Saturday, February 26, 2011

the premiere post

Hey all!

Since January I have been interning at Vision Long Island, a non-profit company in Northport which works to promote sustainable development and "smart growth" on Long Island...

[["Smart Growth" is an urban planning and development theory which focuses on creating more compact, walkable communities. Similar to theories such as New Urbanism, it advocates more practical land usage which makes communities more compact and less dependent on cars. It's not all about sustainable infrastructure; there are a lot of health and social benefits associated with smart growth also.]]

The "Smart Growth" movement is getting greater national attention, as seen in the Daily Show clip below..

This blog will be my log throughout the semester of what's going on with Vision LI, what types of sustainable initiatives are taking place in local communities on LI and in the NYC area, and news of other Smart Growth developments & research taking place nationally and internationally.

Sometimes progressive change is a bottom-up process; bigger change starts with the people, and it can't be done without paying attention to what's going on around us.

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